
Showing posts from December, 2017

The tradition continues

Season greetings! We have started with the preparations for the 3rd annual Atari Invasion of the HCC Commodore meeting. On February 17th 2018 we will again take over 'het Trefpunt' in Maarssen (NL). Not to spoil all the details just yet, here are some of the things you can expect for this edition: Our small museum rack and display cabinet will be there, filled with Ataris, home-brew and more. Plenty of paper items will make their way to Maarssen and perhaps even to your home! If we can convince the right people, we will clear enough space to preserve some of your classic games and other precious software from floppy disks and/or cassettes. Some of us were at Silly Venture  at the beginning of december and participated in the compos. It is only fitting that during the Invasion we will show a couple of demos (old and new) on at least three systems! It won't be just classics that will be present, we plan to show off modern Atari related(!) gear and projects. A...