Atari Invasion 2k18
Atari Invasion 2k18 On February 17th, at approximately 8.45 the first invader arrived at ' het Trefpunt ' in Maarssen. He was soon joined by the other invaders and at 10.00 the buildup was well underway. By the time the general assembly of members of the HCC Commodore ig was finished, most of the gear was hooked up and the Invasion started. The museum rack was back again. This year we had it filled with our custom Atari homecomputer stands, one with XL computers, the other with XE machines. A light sixer with Quelle's Universum keyboard, a Lynx and 7800 on another shelve and finally an 800 and the Sears Tele-Games. Next to the museum our custom display case was filled with a broad range of home-brew items for the 2600, 7800 and 8bit range of Atari systems. We brought along some binders, books and magazines. The podcast station - an old tablet with the ' retro atari podcast ' app - was not used at all, unfortunately. Something we also didn't put to use wa...