
Showing posts from 2023

Atari Invasion 2k23 completed.

 Good morning,   <propaganda> The seventh (official) edition of our commodore club invasion was successful, we occupied the building in the early hours when none of the commodore members were present </propaganda> On Saturday morning at 8.30 we entered 'het Schuurtje' with a small reconnaissance crew to start the build up. As every year, we told everyone we would bring less stuff and - just like all previous years - we failed (some more than others), but I digress. Most of the buildup was done by the time the meeting officially started, however, we were still waiting for the rest of the troops that were being held up for various reasons. The theme for this year 'remakes and demakes' meant that we could sneak in other systems (as long as they would run Atari related games/software), so the vectrex with piTrex was showing off Atari Vector games like Battlezone. The stunt cycle proved to be very picky as to which TV system it would work on. Our 2600 consoles r...

We're back!

 Another year, Another Invasion The preparations for already the 7th edition of our annual 'Atari Invasion' are slowly ramping up! Our take-over of the HCC Commodore sig meeting has 'Remakes and demakes' as this year's theme. Rest assured we will cover a lot of Atari and Homebrew items this year. Do note that the HCC Commodore sig has found a new home:  'Wijkcentrum Het Schuurtje ', which is located at: Zwanenkamp 1301, 3607NZ Maarssenbroek, The Netherlands.   We plan to change things up and deviate a bit from our standard, but rest assured, there will be games, demonstrations and lots of time for socializing. Want to join in on the fun as part of the crew, let us known. If you just want to take a look around, we will be in 'het Schuurtje' (Zwanenkamp 1301, 3607NZ Maarssenbroek) all day on April 15th 2023. Doors open at 10.00 and close at 16.00. Hope to see you in Maarssen! The Atari Invasion team